Hi Everybody!!
You are all invited to a Valentine's Day Ski pawty at a romantic resort in the Pocono Mountains! There will be skiing, snowboarding, tubing, sleigh riding, snowmobile riding and all kinds of fun. Plus there will be a lodge with a fireplace, a sauna, and a casino available for your enjoyment. Bedrooms have heart shaped beds. Valentine's Day is on a Thursday. Plan to stay the entire weekend. Let me know if you are interested in coming.
Don't forget to make your reservations on AireRuby, and bring your warm clothes.
Mount Hairy Lodge, here we come!!
Oh oh! Me me ME!!! I'm coming! But who will be my funny Valentine? I hope those heart-shaped beds have rose petals on them & the rooms filled with candles & romantic music, ahhhhh... I'll be the 1st one to make a reservation!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Me wants to come to play in snow, but mummy say me be too little to have boyfriend!
Cassidy x
Oh Flash and I are so coming. We hope Penny and Lady Kaos do also.
Thank you for your kind invitation! The young 'uns would like to come: Sammy I Ammy, Swede William and Lindy Loo, if that's not too many.
wags from the whippets
I'm baaaaccccckkkkk!
Koobie, Koobie, all framed in pink
Your pretty smile just makes me wink.
So full of life and sexy allure
Will you be my Valentine for sure?
I'd love to see that heart shaped bed.
Why, visions of you just swim in my head.
The Pocono’s seem just so right
To share a ski with you at night.
Or a trip for two on a cozy sled
And then we'll head up to that bed
Or warm up by the roaring fire.
Can I be your one and only Boy-Wire ?
So, yes, dear Koobie, count me in.
At the casino, I will try hard to win.
And we'll have such fun, just wait and see.
If you just have your way with me!
Hey Koobie! Thanks for the invitation. Do you think that would be a good place to FIND a girlfriend, maybe? I don't have one. I'm not really the romantic type.
Your friend, Lenny
This sounds like fun! Count us in!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Well, I'd nothing planned for St Valintines Day til now, so count me in...
It sounds soo romantic - may be I'll find another "One True Love"!
Pats & pets
Is that Dewey sparkin' you? My goodness, a Mother can't turn her back for a single minute anymore.....talk about heart shaped beds and gambling.......oh, no, no...I say. I think I need to shorten this boy's lead a bit....Pocono's here I come.......wonder if my magic touch with that One Arm Bandit is still humming?
Hi, Koobie
Thanks for the invitation! Sure its going to be great!
Kisses and hugs
hi koobs,
i just watched your dance video again, you are so dang cute!
well, it is friday! i'm so glad!
wished i could join you at the resort, sounds like a wonderful time! take lots of pics for me!
I am soooo vewy excited!!! Tha t will be a fabulous weekend and I hope maybe a womantic one too,hehehe
KousinKoobie Dewey suwe is sweet on you ...hehehehe..I can't wait!
Let me now if you need help awwwanging anything
smoochie kisses KousinAsta
I read the "poem" by Dewey..
I had to get my chewy.
He made me so mad...
I had to be bad...
And now my chewie's all gooey.
Oh Koobie...the pawty sounds fab...!!! Can we put the invite on our bloggie??????? It sounds like sooo much fun! And my barkday is that week...I'll be one year old on the 8th...so I can DRINK dogtini's...legally this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scruffy is sulking. And frankly, I thought Dewey was sweet on me. Sniff, sob, whine.....
Babystan is lookin' at Cassidy...but they are MUCH too young!
Can't wait Koobie girl!
i can't wait for the pawty..
luckily u mentioned that we don't need a partner...or else, i definately couldn't get one...
Hi Kobbers!
I'd like to come for surest ever! I am thinking of inviting HERC -- what do you think? Can't wait to SEE you there!
Putter ...:)
We would love to come to your Valentine's Day Ski party. Please count us in!!
Molly and Taffy
I'm not saying if I have a sweetie or not...
(GooberStan is a lot bigger than me)
But, I would love to come to the V-Day party. Sounds like a lot of fun!
Pee S: Your bloggy is really cool!
Oh wow, our pinkies love skiing so we can borrow their ski boots and skis. This is going to be great fun. Can't wait. I wonder if my girl Ellie will come with me. Naturally my sisters want in.....sigh.
Hugs and tail wags
I am coming, I am coming! Putter asked me to go with her! I am SO excited! I love the snow!
I'm gonna try to book first class for Putter and I!!!!
Love, Herc
Koobie...so glad you are coming to the super bowl pawty. I will try to come to your ski pawty, I will ask muzzer when she gets home, and make my reservation on Aire Ruby asap.
Koobie Girl!
Sounds like a fab weekend to me! Count me in, sweetie.
I'm catching up with you, so I need to go back & check out what you've been up to. I'm sure it will be some good reading, and insightful too!
Goober love & smooches,
Oh dog that sounds fun, I wonder if Sophie will go?!?!?!!!
oh boy oh boy oh boy! Count us in!!!!!!! We CAN"T wait!!!! ARchie has hurt his paw,or eg or something...I hope he can go skiing by then!!!!!Love A+A
Heart shape bed? That is so pawsome....
~ Girl girl
OH boy, We would like to come, even if I do have to bring my sisters.
Hey Koobuss!
We'll be going! Asta was really nice and offered to take us with her because we couldn't go alone.
We'll see you there!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
We can't wait to come to the pawty! What fun it will be!
See you there,
Casper, Buddy and Nikki
I am all ready for the pawty. Thank goD that I do not need to have a partner in order to attend.
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