Hi Everybody,
Please don't laugh.
As some of you may know, I joined the Army of Four last fall and successfully completed my mission of eradicating my sector of all bunnies and relocating them across the border to the neighbor's yard. (I'm still working on the squirrels, with much less success. They ignore all my barking. Maybe they don't have good hearing.)
Recently we were called to duty by Supreme Commander Stormy to help find Beau. I'm sure that you know the story by now. I can't give you any information about my orders since they are top secret, even to me.
Right now my biggest concern is my hat. It doesn't fit me right, my left ear sticks out, and my supply sergeant didn't do a good job of outfitting me. (She hasn't used Photoshop in a while and she seems to have lost her touch.) As you can tell from my picture, I am not a happy camper, I mean trooper.
But you look cute in the helmet Koobie. Let's hope Beau gets to come home soon
~ Girl girl
You look pretty cute to us, Koobie and you're good to go and that's what counts the most! We have such a good feeling that Beau will be found!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Koobie, you look so cute with the helmet on. I hope we can find Beau soon.
Well, I think you look very sweet!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Hi, Koobus-
Pleased to meet you. We think you look dashing in your helmet: the one-ear-out look is very jaunty and Continental. Tres bon!
Good luck with your top secret mission. And watch out for Helmet Hair!!!
wags from the whippets
good luck with the helmet Koobie. And I think you are all doing a great job with the Beau thing.
Koobie, why would we laugh at you? You look great in your army helmet. I think the doggy who you should be laughing at is me! Look at the strainer I wore as a helmet & a dough roller as a weapon I found in the kitchen. It's funny!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You look cute and at least you got a helmet on your head. My mom can't even do that muchq
Aww..it's ok Koobuss! You still look so cute with the helmet!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
hi koobs.
yeah, sucks when your clothes don't fit right! good luck on that very important top secret mission!
You look good in anything! Lets hope we can all find him! Love A+A
I think you look great, we had to get Opy and Charlie to help our Mom!
You look tatally adowable in youw helmet...sometimes they just don't have the wight supplies, but that wont stop us fwom completing ouw mission ow fwom looking vewy cute doing it
smoochie kisses
Hi, Koobie
Forget about the helmet. The important thing is that you are joining the mission!
We all want Beau to come home soon!
Kisses and hugs
Gosh Koobie, you're worried about your hat not fitting you right....have you seen ours lol.
It doesn't matter though as long as there are lots of us dogs and humans on the lookout for Beau.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
woofies Koobie, u loookies pawsome in u helmet, me mama didnt even no how to put mine on, greg helpeded me....
b safe,
You look bootiful, Girl...whatdya mean it doesn't fit...your ear looks fab like that!! Scruffy will be so jealous when all the boy dogs wink and flirt with you!!
We've been in lotsa trouble. Um...I seem to have white fur now...at least from the neck down and some spots on my back. Mumsie grounded me and Babystan...NO FAIR...we were just tryin' to right a wrong...
Ya still thinkin' bout doin the ski pawty on Valentine's Day???
Gotta run and roll in the mud to get brown again...at least there's no lack of mud around!!
terrier barks...Lacie
You still look FAB in your helmet, and I don't think it will affect your performance on the mission!
Looks like we are all the same mission now!
Goober love,
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