Hi friends,
My last couple of posts depict me as being somewhat of a grump who doesn't smile much anymore. This is totally incorrect. I'm really a sweetheart. Let me explain.
On my video, I am making a lot of noise because the neighbor's cat had just walked by my backyard and that set me off, big time. I still was not settled down when my mom tried to get me to come inside, so I had a lot to say. Normally, I just ignore her until the treats come out.
As for my smiles, I don't like the flash on the camera. As soon as my mom picks up the camera and I see that little light go on before the flash goes off, my smile turns to a scowl. Today, I was outside when she took the pictures. The light didn't go on, the flash didn't go off, and I have a great big smile, like I usually do. I am actually very pleasant and love everybody. But I still have that famous terrier tude, when I need it.
And the reason I like the door open is because I can use the threshold as a paw rest.
I guess I really did give you guys the wrong impression. My dog mommy (Molly) and daddy (Bandit) sent me an email, giving me a lecture. They told me to behave myself and not embarrass them. They were not happy. (It's not a good thing when your parents have access to your blog. Right, fee!)
Koobie Girl!
I love your sauciness! I don't think you're a crabby girl. Sometimes you feel what you feel and you let your peeps know.
Your smile is very lovely today! You are one cute wirey chica!
Goober love & hugs,
Koobie; never worry about spunk, Girl! If ya got it, flaunt it!! You are way too cute; I think stanley is flirting, you lucky dog!! Lacie
A beard and mustache can cover a multitude of emotions, but the tail tells all.
William Tell
Oh Kobbie...
You are cute no matter what! I always look like I'm pouting in pictures too...I think that is because of that icky flashy thing!
Thanks for setting the record straight!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Koobie.
I don't think you are crabby! You have to say what you have to say!
And BTW you have a great smile!
Have a good night
ohhh, you can look grouchy if you want! if that's how you feel, then go for it...it's your feelings and if we don't like it we can lump it! lol
besides, no matter if you are happy or grouchy, you're still so dang cute in my book!
don't worried about that koobus...
v all know u are a sweetheart n gentledog
Koobie: My sister E.Rabbit says the same thing about my muzzer reading her blog! Tehehe...she has to watch what she says, BIG TIME!
You are a cutie, and I love you even if you are scowly
I think you're quite smashing whether your smiling or not. Nothing wrong with being a little "moody" now & then.
Hey a girl has her moments( and Archie is well aware of that!) We think you are adorable in all of your pictures!! Love A+A
Hey Koobie, I agree with Stanley, a bit of sauce is good! J x
I don't like inside pictures either, Koobie!
PS: Thanks for the Pizza Soup recipe! Mom's going to try it tonight! :)
thanks for stopping by, so glad to meet you.
I've learned to live with that stupid camera, I've realized there's no hiding, hee hee
Frenchie Snorts
you are lucky you didnt get put into time out for acting like that with your mom and dad watching!
smiling at the camera and looking pretty is easy peasy, but only the really beautiful ones like you can scowl and still look fabulous!
have you decided what to do with your haircut yet? i really love your present hairdo so i'm hoping you won't go and chop it all off.
my wft parents not only look in my blog, they lurk in my friends' blogs too! just the other day, they were telling me how nice and fluffy you look!
Those flash things make it really hard to get a good photo of us. We're terriers, after all, so in the second it take the camera to make up its mind, we've decided to do something else.
Mom has tons of "something else" photos besides the ones that were supposed to be too too cute...
And what's a little grumpiness in a wirey day? I'm often called The Grump.
what did your momma teach? i'm a music director...
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