My mom bought a furminator today and used it on me so that I would look nice for my trip tomorrow. She got a grocery bag full of hair just out of my back! I look 20 pounds lighter. It is amazing!! Those things perform miracles.
Although I started to like the furminator, I did not let her get my chest, paws, or head. I put up quite a battle, but somehow I don't think this war is over. She will ultimately win. I'll just have to give in reluctantly and let her do the rest of me. But not tonight.
G'day Koobuss,
I hope you have a weally fun vacation wif your cuz Ginger.
xxx Asta down under
Have fun on your vacation. We have a furminator but mom doesn't use it on me just Flash and the cats.
But you look so cute all fuzzy....have fun on your vacation. Oh and tell you Mom, no furminators are allowed!!!
Lots of licks, Ruby
So you've been furminated? Still look kinda cute! Enjoy your vacation...J x
Happy V!
Bussie Kissies
Ooh..muzzer wants a furminator but we are waiting til we get home! Looks like it might be a good thing to have, you do look even cuter, if that is possible
WOW! Koobie ! Am furminator, huh! You are like ME, you don't like being groomied! :) But you look bootifulest! Have a wonderfulest trip, K? ! :)
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Hi, Kobie
Let you mom work on you with that furminator, I am sure you will feel lighter.
Enjoy your vacation!
Have a good night
Have fun at the lake! We wish we could go to some big, cold lake! We love to swim!!
We had the furminator once, but it doesn't work on our fur anymore because we have SO MUCH OF IT that the poor furminator can't keep up. Instead we use a Mars Coat King. It looks like something that ought to be used for farming and plowing.
Resist the urge to give in Koobie!! You don't have to(I don't--Ms Agatha,Archie likes to have it done!!) Have a great vacation!! Love A+A
You are a terrier fluff ball - very bootiful. Tell your mama no more furmination of the Koobus please.
Have fun on your vacation girlie! We'll miss you.
Goober love,
Ooo! I hope Mummy duzzent get wun ov those fer me!
Hav a good holiday!
I just got bak from mine, an now evrywun is goin away!
Hi Koobie,
I just got back fwom my vacation ,and I missed evewydoggie ,but had a gweat're looking gweat!! I hope you have the funnest time at lake on terrior
smoochie kisses
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