Hi Everybody,
My friend Asta in New York asked for our help in explaining to the world what our wonderful breed is like. Since I am less than ten months old myself, I am still learning a lot about what it means to be a wire fox terrier. I do know this, though. I am the 4th wft in my family since 1975. If they didn’t love wfts, I would not be here.
All of us share the same characteristics, while remaining individuals. We wire fox terriers are all beautiful, loving, friendly, emotional, fun, humorous, (one show judge called us "little clowns in fur suits"), independent, intelligent, feisty, loyal, stubborn, brave, and athletic (as Archie proved). We are tightly wound, but I prefer to say we are "enthusiastic”. We got it all. In short, we are pretty terrific!
Some of us may be hard to handle, but most of us aren’t. And if we are, so what! That's part of being a wft. And besides, isn’t that true of people, too?

Here is Koobus I. My family rescued him from the local SPCA back in 1975. He was a rock fan and had quite a collection. Every time he went for a walk he brought a rock back home.
All the other Koobusses, including me, my family got as puppies.

This is Koobus II, also born in upstate New York. This Koobuss, who looked a lot like me, was an avid snorkeler. He had his own swimming pool and would dive his head into the water and blow bubbles all across the pool. How athletic is that?

Now for Koobus III. Here he is as a puppy, all decked out in his winter sweater. One of his favorite jobs was that of a tire inspector. He knew the serial numbers of every tire in the neighborhood. He was a genius.
So you see, all of my wire fox terrier predecessors were unique and quite talented. Even though we are all different, we are all the same. We all love our families and they love us.
We also have a great smile!