Look who showed up on my deck today. From the looks of things, he will be here a while. He even has a hot beverage to keep him comfy. Humph. He thinks that if he keeps waving at us that we will like him better. Looks pretty cold to me. Brrr...
And, look at this, will ya! Something is wrong here, or is it normal for geraniums to have buds on them when the temperature is this low? I really don't know anything about this stuff.
Hey Koobie...
it snowed here taday....'n it's cold too...bummer....we want the nice weather back again fer sure....and Gram's flowers were still bloomin' in all this cold weather......can't figure it out at all....if ya do let us know.....'n welcome back....
Dewey Dewster here.....
w00f's Koobie, me likes ur snowman wiff the blue hat..me not sure y the flower still blooming, we still has little tomatoes on our plant..
b safe,
wow! it's supposed to be 68 here tomorrow, can you believe it? i LOVE your snowman and your geranium!
hope you had a good monday!
Kousin Koobuss
It looks like you have the best of bof..flowews and cozy wintew all at once..I'd like some of that hot dwink youw fwindly snowguy has
stay wawm
smoochie kisses
Hi, Koobie!
Those things happens. Here, during the winter we have lots of flowers!
Kisses and hugs
All we have at the moment is rain and the frost last night would have killed off any remaining flowers.
Simba x
What a cute snowman you have there
~ Bae
Hi, Koobie...
Looks like the flowers don't know what time of year it is...
It snowed here last nite...It's really cold...
The snowman is cute...
Abby xxxooo
We can't figure it out either, Koobie! We still have some flowers blooming and it was 19 degrees here, this morning. I think the flowers are confused!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Cold weather is coming. Your snowman is ready. Take that bully stick and head for some place warmer.
What a cute snowman, Koobie! We can't wait for the white stuff to fall here!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
its pretty warm here still during the day, but getting chilly at night. Not cold tho, we feel bad for how cold it gets everywhere else!
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