Hi Everybody!!
READY FOR SPRING???? ME, TOO!!!I thought that a good way to beat the late winter blues would be to have an Easter Bonnet Contest. Easter will be here soon, so it is time to get serious and begin to plan our head ware. As you can see, I already have mine. (Please pardon the spelling on the announcement. Of course I know how to spell creatures. It's a typo. My secretary is at it again.)
Anyway, the details of the contest are:
1. The contest is open to everyone.
2. You can submit as many entries as you'd like.
3. First, Second, and Third place prizes will be awarded in each category.
4. Categories are: male virtual, male real, female virtual, and female real. A grand prize will be awarded if an entry is exceptional.
5. Post your entries on your blog, and then email me at
zhaba@verizon.netto tell me that you made your post. Put Easter Bonnet Contest in the topic line. My mom will then save your email and insert your entry photo into a folder. At the end of the contest the folder with all entries will be turned over to the judges for their decision. Judges are located in different states, do not know each other, are not related to any of the contest organizers, and do not have their own dogs, cats, or hamsters, etc. However, they probably do have their own hats.
6. Winners will be announced when the judges are finished judging.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas you can email my mom at the above email address.
Good Luck and Have Fun!!