On the morning of Thursday, December 14, 2006, my mom awoke to find her wire fox terrier, Koobus III, age 14 years and 1 month, dead in his bed. They had him since he was seven weeks old and were devastated.
Later that morning my mom started making phone calls to find a new wft. Her cousin who lives by Lake Onterrier (where we went on vacation in August) had seen an ad in the Rochester, NY, newspaper about one wft puppy for sale in Binghamton, NY. (That was me.) After more phone calls, buyer and breeder connected, and here I am. I arrived here on Saturday, December 30, two weeks and two days after K3 died.
This story is much longer. There were people from the yahoo wirefoxterrier list and Wire Fox Terrier Rescue involved. Axel’s mom, Daniella Slon, stopped my family from buying a puppy from a Missouri puppy mill. My mom was on the phone for several days trying to find me. She even talked with a AKC breeder/judge, who told her that wft puppies were very had to get. He also called us, “little clowns in fur suits”.
Anyway, my breeder, a terrific lady named Cindy Smith, who along with her husband Ray, own A1 Wire Fox Terrier Kennels of Rexleigh in Binghamton, NY, and my mom and grandpa met at 10 AM in Clarks Summit, PA, north of Scranton, on Saturday December 30, 2006. Cindy handed me to my new mom, who gave me lots of hugs and kisses. Mom and gramps renamed me (my original name was Tippy) and I had a new home and new identity. KOOBUSS IV! On the way home, I slept on grandpa’s lap coming down Interstate 81, with Binghamton further and further behind me, not realizing where I was going or how my life was about to change forever.
When we arrived here, they gave me a drink and some toys to play with. They showed me around the house, and then my new mom took me for a walk to acquaint me with my new yard and neighborhood.
Later that day, my cousin Layla, a cocker spaniel who is a few months older than me, came to visit with her family. I was afraid at first because she was so much bigger than I was and besides, I was an only puppy and not used to other dogs. It took me a while to get comfortable around her. Then we played and after they left, I took a nap. When I woke up, my new mom and I played some more.
Then my mom took me to bed. I was exhausted from the journey, the walk, the playing, and the company. The next morning I took control of the household, and later that night we celebrated the start of a New Year and a new and happy life together. In March of 2007, I started blogging. You know the rest.
I love it here. I have everything I want, they dote on me, and when I bark, they listen.
Now I would like to tag Kousin Asta, Axel, and my dear Scruffy.