Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy 2011
Happy New Year, my friends! And, best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2011!
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Hi Everybody,
It's me, Koobus. Remember me? I know it's been a while. Just in case you don't recognize me, this is what I used to look like just a couple days ago.
It's me, Koobus. Remember me? I know it's been a while. Just in case you don't recognize me, this is what I used to look like just a couple days ago.
Yesterday my mom tried to give me a whole body make-over. After spending two hours on me,
I jumped off the table and ran away before she could finish my ears and the right side of my face.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wasn't that great!!!
How do you like my profile?
I don't mind having a scruffy snout and ears. But I have a feeling that my mom is going to grab me when I least suspect it and march me back down the cellar to finish the job. This will probably occur before Santa comes.
Maybe if I give Grandpaw enough Koobuss Kisses he will save me from the scissors.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Hi Friends,
It's me, Koobuss.
My family and I want to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. It's been a difficult year for us here so far for lots of reasons. But my grandpaw is finally back home from the hospital and nursing home to stay and we are very thankful for that. My favorite bully stick holder is finally back!!!
It's me, Koobuss.
My family and I want to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. It's been a difficult year for us here so far for lots of reasons. But my grandpaw is finally back home from the hospital and nursing home to stay and we are very thankful for that. My favorite bully stick holder is finally back!!!
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hi Everybody!
It's me, Koobuss.

I know that I haven't been around much lately. That's because I have been busy.
Grandpaw's still not home. He was in the hospital for almost a week and now he is in a nursing home for over a week for therapy. I don't know when he'll he home and I miss him. But at least my mom takes me to see him at the nursing home every day. I have made a lot of new friends there, most of them are in wheelchairs. They are always happy to see me. They talk to me and pet me and I smile and give them lots of Koobuss Kisses. While I love them all and I am happy to see them all, I still want my grandpaw back home here with me where he belongs. My mom is just not as good as he is holding the bully stick. He is the best bully stick holder there ever was!
Here he is the first day I went to see him in the nursing home.
And, here I am watching for him, and waiting for him to come home.
It's me, Koobuss.
I know that I haven't been around much lately. That's because I have been busy.
Grandpaw's still not home. He was in the hospital for almost a week and now he is in a nursing home for over a week for therapy. I don't know when he'll he home and I miss him. But at least my mom takes me to see him at the nursing home every day. I have made a lot of new friends there, most of them are in wheelchairs. They are always happy to see me. They talk to me and pet me and I smile and give them lots of Koobuss Kisses. While I love them all and I am happy to see them all, I still want my grandpaw back home here with me where he belongs. My mom is just not as good as he is holding the bully stick. He is the best bully stick holder there ever was!
Here he is the first day I went to see him in the nursing home.
Here I am giving him lots of Koobuss Kisses.
And, here I am watching for him, and waiting for him to come home.
Meanwhile, my beard keeps growing. What da ya think? Do you like it?
(And if you want to be my friend, you won't even mention the words "haircut" or "grooming" to my mom.)
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Worldless Wednesday (A Little Late)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Worldless Wednesday
Hi Everybody!
It's me, Koobuss. Today's my birthday. I'm four!!
It's me, Koobuss. Today's my birthday. I'm four!!
And I love you!!!
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Hi Friends,
It's me, Koobuss.
It finally stopped raining here after three straight days and nights. This is the first that I've been able to get out on my deck in a while. Some strange things have been happening. I know it's October and that I can expect almost anything, including being surrounded by all these yucky brown leaves and other stuff, but still. It's kinda early. Isn't it?

It's me, Koobuss.
It finally stopped raining here after three straight days and nights. This is the first that I've been able to get out on my deck in a while. Some strange things have been happening. I know it's October and that I can expect almost anything, including being surrounded by all these yucky brown leaves and other stuff, but still. It's kinda early. Isn't it?
Yikes!! That can't be right. It doesn't feel like 100 degrees. Sometimes I think our thermometer is either confused, or on steroids.
This guy is back. He was here two weeks ago working on a project. He is a very slow worker. Sometimes he stays in the same spot for days. I think that he gets stuck. Here is a photo of him from the other direction.
See what I mean? Looks trapped to me! He must be confused.
Now this nincompoop is enjoying himself bobbing up and down basking in the sun. If he does this for too long he may end up baked. A baked pumpkin! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Serves him right. There must be something wrong with him. He keeps smiling all the time. He's confused, too.
And the geraniums are still in bloom. My mom's going to keep them until they are all dead. She won't put fall flowers out until the summer ones are totally finished. It doesn't matter that everyone else has fall flowers in their yards and on their decks. We still have summer flowers. Talk about confusion.
Now what? It's only 68 degrees, and not 100? You mean the temperature dropped 32 degrees in only an hour? I think the sun may have had something to do with this. I heard once that the sun actually moves. Can you believe that? Now I'm really confused. I thought it was the earth that moved. Oh well... Maybe they both move.
Oh, no!! Look at this, would ya! It seems my mom has run out of things to photograph. Now she's taking pictures of her reflection in the glass sliding door. How sad.
Talk about confusion... I think we need major help.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Not Guilty
Hi Friends,
It's me, Koobuss.
I don't know how I ended up in this predicament. I didn't do it. Honestly!

It's me, Koobuss.
I don't know how I ended up in this predicament. I didn't do it. Honestly!
As you know, a certain individual has been hanging around my deck, sniffing the aromas around my grill, looking for crumbs from my treats, showing off about how cute and quick he is, and generally being a major nuisance to me. (I would use a different phrase to describe how I feel about him, but after all, this is a family blog.)
Anyway, this is him.
Here he is again, ON OUR CHAIR, no less!! He is so brazen.
I have been trying to catch him for a long time, to no avail.
The other day on my walkie, we saw somebody who looked just like him lying dead on the street, two streets behind us. Now, I had nothing to do with this. First of all, we can't be sure that the above mentioned corpse was actually my chipmunk, since all chipmunks look pretty much alike. Secondly, I never go that far by myself (my mom always has me on a leash when I walk), so I was not in the area where the body was found until I went for my walk with my mom. And, finally, do chipmunks even go that far? That would be an awful long walk for him, since they are so small. On the other hand, we have not seen our chippy here for a while, and he could very well be missing, unless he moved to another address.
So, here I sit, confined for a crime that I did not commit.
Wait a minute!! What was that??? There he is!! He's not dead!!
I never thought I'd be so happy to see a rodent. Hehehe...
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Almost Worldless Wednesday
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Grandpaw's Home
Hi Everybody,
I got my bully stick holder back the other day! I'm so happy he's home.
I got my bully stick holder back the other day! I'm so happy he's home.
I want to thank everyone for their well wishes and prayers. They are greatly appreciated. I love you all!
Love and Lots of Extra Koobuss Kisses for Everybody
Koobie and Mom
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
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