Hi Friends,
I just want to announce that the area inside and outside this house is mine. I am in total control of this space. It is my domain. No one is allowed on my turf without my approval first. That includes all intruders of all types. Today on my walk I chased a big cat under a camper and I almost caught a furry little mole running through the neighborhood. (And don't forget, I have to drag my mom along while I am chasing these things, and that ain't easy.) I almost had that little mole right in my mouth, but mom pulled me back just in time. Shucks!
Anyway, I just want all you cats, moles, squirrels, bunnies, snowpeople, penguins, raindeer, and whatever else you are, to know that I am not afraid of you. This is my house. Anybody who comes here has to deal with me first. I may be small, but I am mighty! My name is Koobuss and I am a Wire Fox Terrier!
(I also give lots of kisses and I smile a lot, but please don't tell anybody. I don't want to be found out.)
wow, koobs, seems like you have the DOMAIN FEVER after almost catching that MOLE! I would have liked to have seen your mom while you were running after the mole AND chasing the cat! Did she get any pics? lol
Have a good Saturday!
w00f's Koobie, heehee me tries to pull mamas arm outta socket when we go fur our walkies....
b safe,
Hi, Koobie!
I hope everyone got your message!
I do the same to my mom when I see a cat on the street and I try to chase him! My mom does not think it is funny!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
Gee Koobie...
It's amazin' how much protectin' these domains of ours need......why we're always watchin' out fer people who actually want ta walk in front of our house....NOT ALLOWD.....too bad yer Mom didn't let ya get the mole....they squeak 'n squeak until they're in yer mouth and ya press down on 'em a bit with yer teeth...usin' yer jaws ta hold 'em there...almost like a squeakin' fuzzy toy only better...'n then they stop cause ya broke their squeaker....aw, what great fun !!!!
Try ta get one next walk....
Dewey Dewster here.....
It is vewy wise to make such announcements..then you can spend youw time giving kisses and eating bully sticks instead of yanking youw Mom's awm out of it's socket
smoochie kisses
Sounds like your in total control Koobie.
Oh, you Terriers are like big dogs in small bodies! I think all other furry & not so furry creatures can abide your rules...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
AMEN Sistah! as we say in mayemphis
We won't give up your secret. I wonder what Mole tastes like, mm so jealous.
You tell 'em, Koobie! No furries are allowed in our yard or house either...unless they happen to live here! We don't even want people or dogs walking down the street in front of our house! It's a dirty job, but somedog has to keep all the furries away!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Koobie...my sweet Girl!!!
Ya almost caught a mole...(all three terriers look ashamed...) Um well,hmm..well...WE'VE NEVER CAUGHT ONE...OR EVEN TRIED...
but Baylee...Bruvver's little cockapoo...well, she chases them all the time...she must have some terrier in her...well, cept we have terrier in us...Scruffy gives up as it's just too complicated!!!
Barkies my sweetest Koob!!!
Your Scruffy
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