Hi Everybody!
Here I was the other day, on duty guarding the flowers around my deck. I was perfectly happy, enjoying myself in the sun, and look at what came in for a landing.
Where'd he go? Oh, there he is. Let's get a closer look.
Oh, what fell on my head?
I'll get it off.
Well, that was very unpleasant. Why does everything happen to me?
I'm glad the bee didn't sting you. Maybe he thought you were a flower.
Simba x
What fell on your head Koobie?
Our latest post is really similar to your. It's about spring flowers.
Noah xx
OMG, we have the same exact purple Asters in our garden too, Koobie! Thank doG you didn't get stung!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OMD. Did you eat that bee? I like bugs, but I don't think I have ever ate a bee. You have very lovely flowers.
Good job guarding those flowers! I'm happy that bee didn't hurt you I would have to go hurt it!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Hi, Koobie!
I hope that bee left you alone!
Beautiful Koobie, beautiful flowers!
Kisses and hugs
BEES aaah I HATE BEES. YOu are so brave, I HATE BEEEEES!!
Ya know when Gram sees a bee she's run and screams like a vampire is after 'er....ya were very brave ta guard yer flowers with wild bees flyin' around.....don't get stung....
Dewey Dewster here....
Oh Koobie...what in the world!!!
Now stop crying, Girlie!!!
Scruffy wants to go to the Penn State game this weekend since they moved up so high in the rankings...wahooooo!!!
And thoughts on transportation????
Now go and wipe ur tears, Koob...you know that big silly foxy loves you!!!!!
Lakie licks...lacie
That looks like such a comfy , bootiful spot to guawd the flowews fwom..I hope the bee didn't huwt you!
What felled in youw mouf??
Poow koobie, not faiw..you wewe minding youw own business..they should leave you alone
smoochie kisses
OH NO, how dare that evil try to sting you, I hope you taught it a lesson!!!!!!
What a nice porch, hope you had fun sitting inthe sun.
Frenchie SNorts
Hi Koobuss and Koobuss's Human! My name is Lauren and I work for a Portland based Advertising Agency that is preparing to release a new DVD set, featuring Cesar Milan. This fresh, new DVD set shows dog owners a variety of Cesar’s key concepts, including how to become a “pack leader”, the importance of calm-assertive energy, and how to establish proper rules, boundaries and limitations for your dog. If you're interested in being one of the first to review this new DVD set and post your thoughts on your blog, I'd love to send you a complimentary DVD promo set. Just shoot me an email if you're interested!
Lauren Lisoski
Don't you chase bees? That's what they're there for! For some reason the humans don't like it though. J x
Ok my sweet Koob...
Lacie is hatching this idea for a Halloween Pawty...it's gonna be at the
Tower of London!!!
Yep...just think...poker, bars, poker, riding those funny boats on the Thames...did I say poker...
and the Pawty itself in the Tower....
She's printin the invites soonest!!
Sit by me on Ruby??
Love ya lots...
Koobie...Koobie...wait till ya hear...Oh I see Scruffy told ya...
Poker Schmoker...
Think of it Koob...
The theater, the Tate, the British Museum, the double decker bus tour, those funny boats on the Thames, shopping...DID I SAY SHOPPING??????????
And the best...the CROWN JEWELS...
Eric KNOWS the Queen's Corgis...and we can try on the Jewels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We've got the invites at the printers...
Leavin' here on Ruby Thursday night before Halloween...and not coming back till Sunday!!!!!!
Costumes optional...
You can come, can't you Koob?????
Hope ur Mom and Gramps are feelin' better!!!!
Details to follow!!!
Love and kissies...Laciegirl
Hi Kousin Koobie
I had a gweat time on my vacation and at the dinnew pawty, but now i'm wowwied..Mommi went to intewview fow a job..this could be the end of my blogging, and my play time and life as I know it..Cwoss youw paws that she doesn't get it
smoochie kisses
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