Hi Everybody,
We need to talk. It seems that it's been a long time since I last visited with any of my blogging buddies. I apologize for that. Unfortunately, I am at the mercy of my typist, aka Mom, who has not been in blogging mode lately. Just to tell you how bad it's been, on Saturday she gave me a hair cut, and I look so cute, and she hasn't even taken any pictures of me with my new do yet!! I'm forced to show these old photos from Friday night. Instead, she'd rather be taking pictures of bugs! I'll tell you, I sure have my paws full with her sometimes.
pee ess Mom assures me that we will soon get caught up with all our blogging buddies -- just as soon as she gets caught up on everything else that she has let slide. I'm kinda glad summer's ending. Maybe now we will get some work out of her. Hehe...
Kousin Koobie
YEah I'm fiwst!!!
Oh I'dlove to see youw new haiwcut, but I know how Mom's can be..mine is always behind wif evewything in the wowld..but youw Momis making some bootifulawt, so you have to be patient, hehehe, who is telling you that, heheheI'm supew impatient..patience is NOT a tewwiew thing..conquewing evewy toy is!
smoochie kisses
Hiya Koobie
Pinkies get like that sometimes. We understand. We would love to see your new haircut though lol.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Sometimes the humans are doing that, busy, thing, whatever that may be.
Simba x
Koobie...we love you and miss you, and can hardly contain ourselves at the idea of your new haircut. Tell your mom to post before WE get in trouble.
oops, too late
I think ya need ta go ta school 'n get yerself up ta speed in the typing department...then ya wo;t need yer Mom ta do if fer ya...come ta think of it, we need ta go ta school fer that too....maybe we can all go tagether....waitin' ta see the new haircut.....
Dewey Dewster here....
HI Koobussssss!!! We can't wait to see your new scarescut!!! You'll look like a whippet!
wags from the whippets
Sometimes they don't have a clue what they are doing and keep doing the same thing over and over. Watch out for the muttering to themselves. It is lucky that they have us to keep them grounded. Never fear your new do with get published soon.
Glad you're well. We too have been MIA this summer,we must try harder!
Toodle pip
Harry x
OH, Koobie, a new summer cut? That's so exciting! Your Auntie got her haircut last week too but I'll bet you'll look ten times cuter in yours -- I don't have any beautiful curls like you have! Did your Mom save your cut hair? Maybe I can glue it on to my straight hair-- what do you think?
Your Aunt Janet loves you so much!
Tell your Mom not to worry we are all way behind!!! Love and kisses A+A
Its summer, enjoy it! We will be here when you have the time!
hi koobs,
i tried posting earlier, but it wouldn't work out for some reason...
i haven't been blogging much lately either, as i am trying to get started back up with school and all...at least i have real nice kids this year and lots of kids!
Can't wait to see your new 'do'
Well Koobie if you figure out how to get your Mom to blog for you, let me know! Mine is SO lazy...
Penn State WON! Actually, it was quite a game wasn't it? I know I called last minute, but I was so glad you were able to come with me! I'm sorry I um threw up all those hot dogs in ur little red car! Um...I'm just NOT used to those curves on the mountain roads!!!
I LOVE UR HAIRCUT! You'll feel so much cooler for the games on these warm fall days!
Wiry barks and love,
Your Scruffy
Hi, Koobie!
We want to blog and visit my friends and our computer is acting weird!
I hope I can see your new haircut soon!
Kisses and hugs
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