Hi Everybody,
Let's see. What can I tell you? When I last saw you, my friends, it was the end of September and I was checking out the bees. Well, we are one week into October now and a lot has happened so far. I'll tell you about it.
Last weekend Scruffy and I went to the Penn State game at Purdue. Since he gets car sick in my little red convertible, I had to get my Kousin Asta to help me find some other mode of transportation, her being from New York and all. The best that she could come up with was this old taxi cab. i really liked driving it since it was big and it could go just about everywhere. Soon after we got started on our way to Indiana, we saw this. Now, being fox terriers, we could not resist, so we did the right thing. We chased it.

Then somehow, we ended up here! I have no idea how this happened or what we did next. Must have been the cold, light air!
We heard it was a good game.
I'll tell you more about October so far next time, as soon as I get out of the mulch.

Is anybody looking?

I'll hide behind this bush.
Oh, oh!!! BUSTED AGAIN!!!!!!