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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Good Riddance

Hi Friends,

It's me, Koobuss.

There has been a lot going on here lately.  I already told you about the bunny moving in under my deck.

Well, I also have some good news to report.

These guys had a meeting last night, and they have decided to move out.  Finally!  I thought they'd never leave, especially that guy in the middle who keeps asking for candy.  I mean, enough already.  I keep asking for candy, too, but I don't get it whenever I want it.  Why should he?  Anyway, here they are waiting for transportation to their off-season residence.  Good riddance, and don't come back soon!

One more thing.  I want to congratulate Gussie on that bootiful trench he dug.  He worked so hard on it.  Unfortunately, I can't show you videos or pictures of me digging a trench since I haven't dug a trench yet.  But I can show you a photo of my nose art on the sliding glass door.  Keep in mind that this is a work in progress.  It is far from finished.  And unless my mom gets around to washing the windows anytime soon, it may turn into a real masterpiece!  Hehehe...



Jans Funny Farm said...

Very artistic, Koobuss.

Princess Patches said...

Hi Koobie! We have nose art just like yours! Sorry we haven't been around much lately! We hope you are enjoying all the autumn leaves!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Gus said...

Oh, I do nose art too! On the front windows, on the french doors, on the bedroom window...I have lots of places. And because most of our windows have little divided places, each one looks like it is in a special frame.

Muzzer loves me, that I know, She leaves art up from my nose. Little things I do for her, leave her paw prints and loose fur.

gussie word is KOODIS!
They can't spell any better than muzzer.

Dexter said...

Snooter art is great. I do it myself.


Dewey Dewster said...

Yeah, Koobie...we know all about nose art....Gram calls it dog nose....'n it gets all over the windows we look out, the sliding glass door, the car windows and car door interior panels....why we should try ta sell it 'n see if we can get some money fer Gram 'n Pap....I mean art sells...doesn't it?

Dewey Dewster here....

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

And why is it that the humans really don't appreciate our wonderful nose art or as we like to call it, snart? It could be worth a lot of money one day.

Woos, the OP Pack

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My Xterra is a moving art exhibit!

Snart from me and snart from Mom's passengers!

Great work Koobie!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Koobie!
Glad they are gone!
Very artistic nose art!
I do that on my mom's car!
Kisses and hugs

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hehe, cool artwork you got there Koobie! I try to do art too, but I'm super hopeless at them...LOL!


Duke said...

Great art work, Koobie! Our favorite spot for nose art is mom's car windows! She doesn't always appreciate our efforts!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

TwoSpecialWires said...

I do Nose Art, too. Fergi doesn't. (She will someday, though, cuz I see her watching me.) Know where my best place is? On the window in the bedroom from my cedar-chest-woolie-covered-throne. AND, the best month to show it off is NOW - early November - cuz the light shines in and makes it show up so nice and pretty. Maybe we'll frame some of it. Thanks for the inspiration.

Love and wags,
Jake and Fergs

Agatha and Archie said...

Listen we know how long it takes to work on that nose art and then BLAM she wipes it off...... DON"T THEY REALIZE HOW HARD IT IS?? love A+A

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

nose art is the best! glad those visitors are gone!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Koobie...the actual artistic term for nose art is well... know well, (snot art??)

I had to put that in those PAR N THESES cuz I'm not supposed to say that unladylike word...

Is that BUNNY still livin' under ur deckie?? Oh my...we'd be beside ourselves...

Those pix you have on ur last post are bootiful...the one with the pine trees against the sky is our favorite...very stark and scarily November-y...

Kisses dear should have a bootiful day tomorrow and probably had one today....we're blowin' our weather East...

All three terriers puff up their cheeks and blow...PUFF!!!!!

Kisses! Laciegirlie

The Weather Where I Live (3/4 inch NNW of Philadelphia)

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