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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Hi Friends,

It's me, Koobuss.

So close and yet so far away.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Hi Friends,

It's me, Koobie.

Since it's Wordless Wednesday, I won't say anything.

It's very hard for me to remain speechless.  Ya know?

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Ho hum....

My mom's out taking pictures again.  Yawn.  What can I say?  I'll just wait here.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stinky Stuff

Hi Friends,

It's me, Koobuss.

Today on my walk I had the pleasure of finding some stinky stuff.  You know how much I enjoy rolling in that.  I was in my glory.  There's nothing better, especially if you do it right.

First, find the stinky stuff.

Then rub it your neck and shoulder in it.

Roll over completely to get it on your back, too.

 Keep rolling until it is thoroughly soaked in.

One more time should do it.
That feels sooooo gooood.

Then give it one last sniff just to be sure you got it all.

Now head for home.  Funny, no one will walk with me.  I wonder why.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

RIP, Dear Mango

Dear Friends,

Today we lost one of our best buddies.  Mango the Relentlessly Huge left us way too soon.   He was a real gem.   There was no one like him.

Mango looked at the world from a perspective that few other dogs have.  He was bigger than everybody.  His intellect was bigger than everybody's.  And his wit and humor were better than everybody's.  We loved him.

Mango, rest in peace, dear friend.  We will miss you.

We send our deepest sympathies to his human family and dog brother Dexter at this sad and difficult time.  Blogville will never be the same.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Friday, August 10, 2012

Dog Daze of Summer

Hi Friends,

It's me, Koobuss.

I like hangin' out in the shade on the deck with Grandpaw on a lazy summer morning.  It doesn't get any better than this, provided Chewy the Cat or Benny or Bonnie Bunny don't come by.  That would ruin everything.  But I am forever vigilant in my duties as Chief of Security and they wouldn't even think of showing up as long as I'm here.  Right?  Right.

Oh, there's my next door neighbor, Chewy.  

He looks like he's busy today, too.

 I don't think he'll be coming over to annoy me.  He's got other plans for the day.

But you never know for sure.  I'll just have to stay alert.

Did anybody see my sunglasses?

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Puff Ball Head

Hi Friends,

It's me, Koobuss.

It's been a while since I last talked to you, but, as you'll see, I've been a busy dog.  Let me tell you about it.

A couple weeks ago I got a haircut.  And this time, instead of doing it herself, my mom took me to a professional groomer.  We went to Petsmart.  I guess they never cut a fox terrier before because when I was finished I looked like a poodle, sort of.  I had a big puff ball on my head and I wasn't happy.  It really wasn't me.  Talk about an identity crisis!  My ears blended in with the puff ball and I looked like I had a helmet on.  Early the next morning my mom took the scissors and cut the puff ball off my head.  I didn't even fight her since I wanted that puff ball gone, too.  I was very unhappy with that puffball on my head.  Now you can see where my ears are and I at least resemble myself again.  I'm also grateful that my mom didn't take any pictures.  Enuff said.

The other day I had my follow up appointment at the dogtor's.  Remember last month he said that I was almost middle age and had an under active thyroid and bladder stones.  Yuck to all of that!  He put me on a bunch of meds for all that stuff.  So, at my follow up appointment they took some more blood and tested it.  We got the results back today.  My thyroid is now in the OVER active range (see, I'm not middle age yet), I have lots of energy, and the protein level in my peepee is going down, which means the bladder stones are going away.  YEA!!  So, he adjusted my medication, cutting the thyroid dose in half, and eliminated the antibiotic.  But I still have to take the pills for my bladder and go back to see him in a month.  I'm hoping by then all the stones are gone and I'm back to "normal", if there is such a thing as "NORMAL" for a wire fox terrier.

One thing I do know for sure about NORMAL for a wire fox terrier is that we definitely do NOT have puff balls on our heads!!

So, friends, now you are caught up on what's been happening here with me in Koobieville.  Hope that all of you are doing well and that none of you have stones in your bladder or puff balls on your heads.  : )

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Middle Age

Hi Friends,

It's me, Koobuss.

Last week I got a bath and I was wondering why.  What did I do to deserve that?  Well, I found out.

The next day I had an appointment at the dogtor's.  Seems that I have a few medical issues.  It's an age thing, I heard.  He said that I'm approaching, gulp, middle age.

Middle age is that time of life when you start to grow again, but instead of growing up, you grow out.  That's what's been happening to me.  So, I had blood work, urine work, X-Rays, a whole bunch of stuff that goes with reaching, gulp, middle age.

They found that I have an under active thyroid.  Humph.  I also have bladder stones.  HUMPH.   So, I have lots of meds to take (thyroid pills and some other stuff to try to dissolve my bladder stones.)  The best part of all this is that my mom has to hide the pills in treats so I take them.  Heheheh...  I have this all figured out.

Being middle age, gulp, may not be so bad after all.  I'll let you know.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Hi Friends,

I had a bath today and I'm trying to figure out why.

Could it be because I haven't had one in a long time?

Or it is because I rolled in some stinky stuff on my walk?

Yeah, I bet that's it.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Monday, April 16, 2012

New Look Koobuss

Hi Everybody,

It's me, Koobuss, I think.

With all this warm weather that we've had and the early spring (I'm not complaining.  I love it), my mom got carried away and got all my heavy thick fur cut off.  I didn't even recognize myself.

What'd think?

I'm ready for summer.  Bring it on!!

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Monday, February 27, 2012

Nice to Be Knee-ded


My name is Pedals.  I have been living here for a while, but in the past few years I fell out of favor for some reason and was relegated to a lonely existence in the dark, dank basement.  But then, all of a sudden, I became extremely important.  My status was elevated to the point where I was finally rescued from my isolation in the dungeon and relocated to the brighter, warmer, cozy confines of the family room.  Now I play a prominent role in the therapy and recuperation of one of the residents.  And the cute looking furbag that lives here hasn't even tried to bite me yet, although I don't think she likes me too much.  She has been snooping around my pedals.  It's a good thing that she's not a boy, or she would have lifted her leg and watered my moving parts fur sure. 

See ya around,

Hey, Pedals,

My name is Koobuss and you are right.  I don't like you.  Don't you even think about taking my mom or my blog.  You know what they say, Pedals, "What goes around comes around".

No Love or Koobuss Kisses for Pedals,

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Back to Reality

Hi Everybody,

It's me, Koobuss.

We're finally back from the intense competition of Mango Minster!  It was great fun.  We made a lot of new friends and had a marvelous time.

But, now it's back to reality.  Back to the mundane life of the winter.

I'm hungry.  Let's check out this place.  I hear it's pretty good.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mango Minster 2012 Entry

Hi Everybody,

It's me, Koobuss.

This year my mom decided to enter me in Mango's Mango Minster 2012 Competition.  She looked over the several categories, trying to find one that applied to me.  That wasn't easy.

For instance, I am not a working dog.  I don't have a job and have no intention of ever getting a job.  My position of Chief of Security here is merely a figurehead.  I try to do as little as possible.  So, I can't enter the Working Stiffs category.  And there is no category for couch potatoes.

 There is very little adventure in my life, and I like it that way.  Unless you count sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.   I'm good at that, but I don't qualify for the Adventure Animal category.

I'm not much of a Cracker Dog either.  Me, I prefer Bully Sticks, myself.  They are almost as dry as crackers, and I like their elongated shape.  The coating is pretty good, too.

 This is serious business.

I always know where my bully stick is.

Now for the Bad Sports group.  I can get a little grumpy sometimes, for reasons only known to me.  But I always get over it quick, so I'm not really a bad sport.  

(Oops, sorry for the off color.  Bad photography on this one.)
So, friends, there is only one category left.  I'm just "Too Darn Cute".  So, that is where I will compete.

Thank You for your consideration.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

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