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Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm Back

Hi Everybody!

I am all rested up after a long and busy weekend. Now I'm ready for some fun. What can I do today? Watch the slideshow and see.


Anonymous said...

Koobie, I understand how you can't resist that lovely black mulch -- just tell your Mom you were gardening like your Aunt Janet showed you!

Asta said...

nevew say nevew, heheheheheheh!
It looks to me like you have the makings of a wondewful gawdenew..
I love being down the showe wif you..I can't wait till the next'we always fun
smoochie kisses

Simba and Jazzi said...

So many blogs to catch up on. Hope you had a good weekend.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. Looks like you had a busy weekend. :)

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

Autumn is always looking for an expert gardener, Koobie! You're hired!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dewey Dewster said...


Were ya back in that black mulch again? That stuff is deadly...especially when it's stains like ink....ya'll never get away with it....

Dewey Dewster here....

Lorenza said...

Hi, Koobie!
I wish I had a yard to do the same!
Are you getting a bath after that?
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

Why do they put that stuff on the ground if they don't want you to get into it? Who can understand the hooman mind? Not me!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

lol koobs gets kaught!

Abby said...

Hi, Koobie...

Looks like you got yourself in trouble again...

That black mulch looks like lots of fun...

I love your new picture on the top of your blog...

Abby xxxooo

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Koobie, that looks like fun! Shame you were caught! J x

Asta said...

I can't believe what you told me..fiwst they kill the weeds, then they make them gwow so they can cut them and kill the weeds again???hoomans awe nuts!
smoochie kisses

Eric said...

Koobie,whata great video - you had a good time but what a hame you got caught! Better luck next time... or the time after ... or the one after that...hehehehe!!!

Wags, Eric

Rudy said...

I know what you mean about getting caught with dirty paws. Just try running outside, jumping into the corn patch and getting your paws full of clay and then running into the house and putting them on Mom's blouse as she gets home from work. Oh that'll get her attention! The kind you wish you didn't have!!!

(cute video!)

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