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Tuesday, April 8, 2008



Are we ever having fun!! Asta's home!! And it is Ruby's barkday!! We just have so much to celebrate. I don't know if we can get it all in. Here are some unidentified culprits playing with water balloons. They shall remain nameless. Hehehe!

Next, we sat down to celebrate Ruby's birthday with her. It was first come, first serve seating. Not all guests were able to fit around the table, there were so many of us. Here we are waiting to be served, but I, I mean we, may have forgotten to hire the caterer. Oops. WHOSE JOB WAS IT TO HIRE THE CATERER?????? The service isn't very good. I don't know how Asta Marie and Dewey have their ice cream already. And Jackson has a martini. They must know somebody. Obviously, they have better connections than the rest of us do.

Finally, we just gave out. Asta was exhausted from her trip, and we were pooped from pawtying, so we crashed. Some of us were able to make it up on the bed with Asta, while the rest of us just plopped down any old place.

What do you mean this is Ami and George's bed? Says who? We were here first and we are not moving! If they don't like it, they'll just have to go back to Rome! So there! Hold your ground, guys!!

Welcome Home Ami, George, and Asta! Glad you are back!! Missed ya!!!

Koobie and Family


Ellie Creek Ellis said...

WOOHOO! What more can i say? lol

Gus said...

Wow! I hope Ami and George can stay at Auntie Karens with Myrna. Their bed is full!

(muzzer and dad ended up at G-papaws for the stoopid bowl, ya know)


Peanut said...

Oh my you guys sure took up the bed. Why are the whippets sitting on each other?

The Cat Realm said...

Yeah - what a party - you dogs are good - we weren't sure if you can party like the cats - but you CAN!!!
We gotta do this more often, hahahahahahah

Joe Stains said...

oh what fun, NYC is my kind of town, a little chilly for me, but still a LOT of fun. I am afraid the Doofus may never look at italian salad dressing the same again!

Moco said...

What a great time. It was wonderful getting together with all the DWB buddies. How did I get on that bed without a step? How much wine did I have? How did I ever get down?

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great pawty, guys! Thanks for inviting us kitties along!

Stanley said...

Koobie Girl!

It was SO GOOD to see you at Asta's! I know I haven't been around much lately, but I'm going to go right now & catch up on all you've been doing.

Thanks, too, for introducing Dewey and Co. to GooberStan.

Goober love & pawty smooches,

Simba and Jazzi said...

The bed does look a bit full.

Simba xx

Dandy Duke said...

This has sure been one fun pawty! The best part was seeing the surprised looks on Asta's and Ruby's faces!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

You awe the BEST!!!!
What a gweat pawty you gave me!!!!
I can't think of a nicew weception!!
Mommi and Daddi wewe so tiwed they just lay down on the floww and didn't even notice that we had the bed, hehehehThis is so special..I'll nevew fowget it !!
and I hope Ruby doesn't mind that hew Birfday is in the midst of all this cwaziness..Happy Birfdday Ruby!
Kooby thank you fow being such a gweat photogwaphew...Wow
love and smoochie kisses

Dewey Dewster said...

Koobie...while we are at the pawty, Gram and Pap are in the woods with dialup that is slower than molasses and so they can't visit as much as they want to. But the pawty is really exciting and we hope Asta was surprised and that Ruby had a big surprise too. Welcome home Asta and Happy Birthday Ruby.....we love ice cream!!!!

Dewey Dewster here....

Lorenza said...

Hi, Koobie!
We had a great time! Everything was perfect and... what to say about the big and comfy bed!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

What a fun pawty. That bed sure was pawsome to nap in

~ Girl girl

Asta said...


I'm glad you'we enjoying my pictoowes..The gelato was soooo good..I wish you could have been thewe to shawe it wif me
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Oh gee, I did make it to the pawty! How could I have not remembered? Hee! We sure had a soooperb time didn't we!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Eric said...

Miss Koobie,

What a pawty - and you are as pretty as your pictures . .

Wiry wags, Eric x

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