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Monday, December 3, 2007

Naughty or Nice?

Hi Friends,
I need your help. As you can see from the top two photos, it is December in Mountain Top, PA, where I live. This means that it is time for me to think about my behavior since I moved here last December 30. Have I been naughty or nice? Since I will be writing my letter to Santa soon, I need to know what to tell him.

Let's see....

Yesterday I stole grandpa's underwear out of the wash, ran around the house with them, chewed them up pretty good, and left them for dead by the patio doors. (By the way, those teeth marks that you see in the door frame are mine. I put them there last spring. I did a pretty good job, don't you think.)

I already told you about stealing my mom's reading glasses when she was on the phone. I took them to my favorite spot in front of the doors but I gave them back after she chased me.

Gee, I wish I could remember where I hid that remote control for the electric heater in the sun room. It would be nice to have, especially now that it got cold out. Now where could that be?

Then there was the whole New York trip to visit Asta -- the accident, the parking tickets, etc. But we won't talk about that since you already know that story.

In the spring there was the attack on the stuffed bunnies that invaded our house. I told you about that, too. I think I won that one. They did finally leave. Now we have all these snowmen showing up. So far I haven't eaten any........ Yet.

And now for all the bad stuff....

I can't think of one single thing.

The best thing of all is that I give lots of kisses and I love everybody! I am the happiest little wire fox terrier in all of everywhere!

So, have I been naughty or nice? You decide. Then I'll know if I need to write a letter to Santa or not.

Thanks for all your help.



Snowball said...

Koobuss, You have always been nice. I dun see anything naughty in anything you have done! Go ahead and tell Santa Paws that you have been a good girl!


Stanley said...

Koobie Girl!

You are such a sweet little Wirey girl! I'd say you are NICE, but just naughty enough to be interesting!

Definitely write to Santa Paws ~ he'll know already you've been nice!

Goober love & smooches,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Koobie, can't you be both naughty AND nice? I'm sure the nice stuff outweighs the naughty stuff! J x

Harry said...

I would say you are a cheeky imp rather than being naughty, and I'm sure Santa Paws loves you!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I think you're a nice doggie Koobie. I would love to get your kisses. :)

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

You're an active girl who leads an interesting life! Santa knows whose been good or bad. We think you should write that letter! Santa is a most generous man!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

I think you are a notty girl but in a nice way. Santa will still like you eventho you've been doing notty things lately...Atleast you did not kill a rat or a cat. That would bad bad bad! My sista Chloe loves to steal my mommy's dirty clothes on the floor & bring it all the way downstairs. Luckily she does not destroy any of them.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

I don't think you need to worry. You are just a normal WFT!

Peanut said...

how could you even think you'd been naughty? You are nice of course.

Anonymous said...

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Ferndoggle said...

There is absolutely nothing naughty about you, Koobuss.

Cuz if you're naughty, that makes me naughty...and that just ain't so.


Gus said... are a sweetie..who could deny you anything? So just stay the way you are, cause we all love your puppy self

William Tell said...

You're not naughty, Koobie, you're just a busy pup. You saved Grandpa from killer underwear, you cleaned out the nester bunnies, and enhanced the wooden doorway with some nice carvings. You're an angel!

William Tell

Dewey Dewster said...

Kobbie, dear Koobie now don't you think twice.
'Bout whether you're judged to be naughty or nice.
It may seem to others that your life is on fire.
But you just remind them...gee wizz you're a Wire.
So don't you get into those old Christmas Blahs.
Cause I am quite sure that dear Santa Paws.
Has got your house marked as his very first stop.
Where the pine trees are blowing in
cold Mountaintop.

Dewey Dewster loves your pictures and missed seeing them.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Koobie
Don't worry! You've done some naughty things but the good ones are more important!
Wirte your letter to Santa. I am sure he will grant all your wishes!
Have a good night

Agatha and Archie said...

Naughty??You??!! don't be nothing to worry absilly,you haveout! Love A+A

Joe Stains said...

you are definitely nice, I would not think that any of those things are considered naughty!! I miss the good old days of causing trouble like that! I mean, being nice like that.

Asta said...

How could you even ask???You don't have a single naughty bone in youw body,sometimes things happen,but fow instance it wasn't youw fault that we all wound up in jail, and showing youw Gwampas undies,well at least we see what good taste he has,and so do you..I'd say Santa is gonna love you like we all do!
smoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Koobie,
We've had a chat about your list and we think you've been really really nice. Santa will think your great too.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Lenny said...

Koobie, you are a perfect WFT. NICE not NAUGHTY! Good job with the underpants.

Your friend, Lenny

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Koobie...of course u aren't naughty, Koobie Girl...what a silly thought! You are a were born to be's our way!! You sittin' by me on the plane for Asta's pawty??? Bring that red looks warm to snuggle in. Do you think Asta will have missletoe hangin???? Hmm...just stand under it, Kay???

See ya soon! Wiry kisses...XXOOXXOO
ur loving Scruffy

Ruby Bleu said...

It sounds like you have been a pawfect angel all year Koobie!!! What's the problem?

Lots of licks, Ruby

Balboa said...

You've been nothing but good!!! You deserve lots and lots of gifts from Santa Paws.

Frenchie Snorts

Ellie Creek Ellis said...


You should write santa a letter because that is the most proper thing to do. As far as I'm concerned, you have been good because no matter what, you ALWAYS leave koobie kisses and that's as good as any hug from any human any ol' day!
and you are so dang cute. puppies have done MUCH more bad things than those little trivial things you speak of! write to santa, leave him some cookies and have an awesome concert!

Asta said...

Dawling KousinKoobie,
Fiwst of all is youw Mom all wight??awe the anti botix wowking I hope??We'we wowwied!!!!

Secon, I'm so glad you had a good time! You suwe wewe gweat on the hawmonica(Iwon't tell youw Gwampa.)you'we cewtainly vewy welcome to stop by anytime to pick it up..ow just to play would be nice too!
You wewe cewtainly a vewy popoolaw wiwy giwl with youw bootiful haiw and youw gweat pawsonality, all the boyz wanted to get you undew the mistletoe...I'm going to spend most of the weekend sneeping..I got tiwed but it suwe was fun!
smoochie kisses

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