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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Here We Come!

Look out Kousin Asta. Here we come!

Me (Kousin Koobie), Scruffy, Lacie, and Dewey are coming to see you. We want to cheer you up to help you to feel better. (You're not contagious, are you?)

I hope that this is the right exit. If not, we may be a while. If you don't see us by Tuesday, my cell phone number is ? I forget, since I never call myself. You'll have to ask somebody else because don't remember it.

Have lots of food ready. We're hungry!! We haven't eaten since we left the boonies.
And I think we'll need to use the nearest fire hydrant. You know how it is when you're traveling.


Asta said...

Hhi Kousin Koobie
Oh Boy, that's gweat!!! I can't wait to see you..I suwe hope you don't get lost I'll make plenty of food fow you and Scruffy and Lacie and Dewey..and thewe awe plenty of fiwe hydwants wight in fwont of my house..I'm not contagious,and aweady feeling bettew..this will be gweat!
smoochie kisses
pee ess once you'we on the west side hwy heading downtown, take the meat mawket'll smell it

Stanley said...


You are quite the road warrior, girlie! Is NO roadtrip too long for you? (You look so at home behind the wheel).

Hope you had a good time with my Asta Girl! (How could you NOT?) Be careful on the way home.

Goober love,

Harry said...

How exciting! I expect you girls will do some shopping if young Asta is feeling better, have fun!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

Hope you didn't get lost getting to Asta's place. Have fun.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Duke said...

Whoohoooo! You're going to have a blast in NYC! You'll never want to go home! I'm sure Asta is standing at the window watching for you! Have a great time and report back lots!

Love ya lots,

Asta Marie said...


It is a good thing that Dewey is not here right now. I am still minus a dozen balls. If you go shopping in NY can you pick up a bunch? It seems like you guys are never home?

Looking for my playtime toys,
Asta Marie

Gus said...

Oh Oh...Koobie. Did you tell your mom where you are going? I must always tell muzzer or dad before I take the Gussiemobile, and I am LOTS older than you are! Hope you don't get into too much hot water. That would make it a bath, you know.

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I do hope you're going the right way. Don't think Asta is contagious, heeheehee...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Balboa said...

OH WOW a road trip, I bet you're all gonna have a great time at Asta's!!!!!!

Frenchie SNorts

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Weird, Koob...I just typed a whole comment on my laptop and sent it to ur Blackberry, and blogger ate it. GRRRRR! Um...does Dewey have a bladder infection?? We've stopped every mile for a hydrant...BUT wasn't it an amazing idea to "borrow" that mailbox from the corner back there? You don't think that police officer was angry do you? At least, Dewey can use the mailbox, and we don't have to stop so much!

You look stunnin' in ur nurse's uniform. Lacie's student nurse's uniform looks like it's too short or somefing...

Asta Marie said...


Does Dewey have his cell phone turned off? I have been calling him for hours and all I get is voice mail with him saying "stop, let me out, I have to pee. There's a hydrant....stop...stop....stop... "then I hear, "awwww, that feels soooo good...." What kind of greeting is that?

What are you all doing? Maybe I need to alert the authorities....

Asta said...

Kousin Koobie
Thanks fow youw wecipe ! My Mommi loves to cook and eat!
I hope you will get hewe soon..Asta Marie wote me and is concewned that you and Dewey will get wt with the top down..I don't know how to answew her cause she has no bloggie..she was soo sweet!
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, Koobie
I am sure Asta was happy to see you all there cheering her up!
Let us know how it was ok?
Have a good night

Joe Stains said...

Asta sure is lucky to get a visit from you guys! have a GREAT time in NYC!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Koobie, sounds like you're going to have a fun trip! J x

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